The facilities we offer

Outstanding features of A&M Strategies system

At A&M Strategies system, we try to serve you by considering the key and important needs of you, dear customers, to meet your needs with the best quality.

Determining the level of customer risk

Determining the level of customer risk

Our system includes a feature designed to assess and identify the risk level of each…

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Provide fully dedicated support

Provide fully dedicated support

A distinctive feature of our system is the provision of individually tailored support for every…

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An exceptionally user-friendly and secure system

An exceptionally user-friendly and secure system

A standout feature of our system is its seamless and secure nature.

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Evaluate of business relationship

Evaluate of business relationship

Our system includes a feature dedicated to detecting and managing business relationships.

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Screening for individuals on sanction lists and identifying politically exposed persons (PEPs)

Screening for individuals on sanction lists and identifying politically exposed persons (PEPs)

One of the key features of our system involves the screening of sanction lists and…

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Scheduling periodic reviews for business relationships

Scheduling periodic reviews for business relationships

An integral feature of our system is its built-in reminder for conducting periodic reviews.

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Leveraging our extensive expertise and specialized knowledge in the realm of anti-money laundering, we are dedicated to delivering holistic and highly efficient solutions to empower businesses in proactively combatting financial crimes, including but not limited to money laundering. We enable organizations to establish and uphold stringent, Fintrac-compliant standards, ensuring robust defenses against illicit activities within their financial ecosystems.

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